> > > Maybe your ISP is blocking port 22 after all. nmap will tell you.
> > >
> >
> > can nmap (which i don't have installed) tell me more
> > than telnet - as far as a where a specific IP/port packet
> > is being blocked/dropped?
> >
> If you mean where along the path it is getting dropped, no.  Other than
> what you have tried so far with traceroute, I don't believe there is
> really any way to tell WHERE certain ports are being dropped.  For all
> you know, there could be a transparent firewall that drops the packet
> and does not send back an ICMP notification.
> Hope this helps.

to finish the thread nicely, this is the result of nmap (-P0 required):

$ nmap -p 22 -P0 -sA MY-GW-IP

    Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
    Interesting ports on (MY-GW-IP):
    Port       State       Service
    22/tcp     filtered    ssh                     

    Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 36 seconds

$ nmap -p 22 -P0 -sW MY-GW-IP

    Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
    Interesting ports on (MY-GW-IP):
    Port       State       Service
    22/tcp     filtered    ssh                     

    Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 37 seconds


"filtered" means that nmap(1) cannot determine if a port
is open or closed - because it can't reach it, the
traceroute(8) utility confirms (i guess):


$ traceroute -p 22 -P tcp

 1  1-118-237-24 (  150.900 ms  226.750 ms  99.080 ms
 2  177-48-96-206 (  109.873 ms  118.265 ms  109.982 ms
 3  81-128-165-209 (  129.754 ms  108.081 ms  129.900 ms
 4  9-128-165-209 (  99.918 ms  108.252 ms *
 5  202-129-165-209 (  140.307 ms  128.159 ms  129.912 ms
 6  213-129-165-209 (  129.899 ms  128.249 ms  129.883 ms
 7  sl-gw11-sea-0-2.sprintlink.net (  129.916 ms  247.420 ms  119.160 ms
 8  sl-bb21-sea-9-3.sprintlink.net (  129.923 ms  129.112 ms  129.866 ms
 9  sprint-gw.st6wa.ip.att.net (  129.941 ms  236.239 ms  129.925 ms
10  gbr4-p40.st6wa.ip.att.net (  129.878 ms  276.170 ms  129.826 ms
11  gbr1-p40.st6wa.ip.att.net (  129.890 ms  128.086 ms  129.896 ms
12  gar1-p360.st6wa.ip.att.net (  139.894 ms  128.144 ms  129.860 ms
13 (  159.911 ms  159.252 ms  159.929 ms
14 (  159.894 ms  179.251 ms  189.900 ms
15 159.916 ms  219.640 ms  169.925 ms
16  * * *

**  TCP SSH port blocked by

$ traceroute -p 22 -P udp

 1  1-118-237-24 (  140.974 ms  96.948 ms  109.883 ms
 2  177-48-96-206 (  99.909 ms  108.272 ms  100.431 ms
 3  81-128-165-209 (  109.347 ms  98.296 ms  99.874 ms
 4  9-128-165-209 (  99.923 ms  98.214 ms  99.894 ms
 5  202-129-165-209 (  129.904 ms  128.249 ms  130.284 ms
 6  * * 213-129-165-209 (  130.333 ms
 7  sl-gw11-sea-0-2.sprintlink.net (  128.730 ms  127.648 ms  129.876 ms
 8  sl-bb21-sea-9-3.sprintlink.net (  129.907 ms  128.742 ms  129.378 ms
 9  * sprint-gw.st6wa.ip.att.net (  180.893 ms  127.553 ms
10  gbr4-p40.st6wa.ip.att.net (  129.917 ms  127.873 ms  130.271 ms
11  gbr1-p40.st6wa.ip.att.net (  129.555 ms  128.079 ms  130.012 ms
12  gar1-p360.st6wa.ip.att.net (  130.377 ms  127.471 ms  129.905 ms
13 (  159.890 ms  158.353 ms  180.235 ms
14 (  329.566 ms  198.359 ms  219.902 ms
15  170.460 ms  169.097 ms  159.951 ms
16  MY-GW-IP  339.902 ms  329.998 ms  259.590 ms

**  UDP SSH port available (but a UDP connection is useless on port 22).


thank you all for your assistance and knowledge.

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