I've got an nfs server that's refusing to mount one client - via one
route - and it's driving me crazy.

The server is running 8.1-RELEASE, exporting a collection of zfs file
systems. All the file systems are exported with the exact same
flags. The clients are either FreeBSD or OSX boxes. Most of them work

One OSX box - updated to the latest snow leopard while trying to fix
this - gets "permission denied" when it tries to mount the interesting
fie systems. But only when using it's wired connection. If it connects
via wifi to the same router (a cisco WRT610N running dd-wrt)
everything works fine.

As far as I know, there are only three reasons for an NFS server to
refuse a mount request: 1) The exports file is borked somehow, 2) The
server insists that the client use a privileged port, or 3) The IP
address the request is coming from is disallowed.

#1 isn't it - the file systems mount fine on other boxes. And they
mount fine on the problem box via Wifi.

#2 shouldn't be it - I'm running the server with -n turned on, and the
mount works via wifi.

#3 seems logical, but I only have one network enabled, and it's a
*.0/25. The working addresses include .96, and .106, while the failing
address is .105. So I'm not sure what's going on here.

Running mountd with a -d flag generates no output at all when the
request is denied. This makes me think I'm not looking in the right

Relevant entries from rc.conf (nothing really fancy):

nfs_server_flags="-u -t -n 4 -h $MY_IP"
mountd_flags="-r -n -h $MY_IP"
rpcbind_flags="-h $MY_IP"
rpc_lockd_flags="-h $MY_IP"
rpc_statd_flags="-h $MY_IP"

So, questions: if mountd isn't the issue (though it's issuing the
denied messages), what is? Is there some reason I've overlooked for
the permissions to be denied? Anything I can do to get more
information out of mountd (or whatever is causing the problem)? Any
other things I might try?


Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org>             http://www.mired.org/consulting.html
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org>             http://www.mired.org/consulting.html
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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