Is there some way to set up a third-party online source for ports and/or
packages that allows users to do the same kinds of things they can do
with the official ports system?  I mean, for instance, using portversion
to check whether there are new versions available (or an equivalent
operation) and possibly even checking for security issues via portaudit.

I see, looking at the manpage for portversion, this:

     PKG_DBDIR      Alternative location for the installed package database.
                    The default is ``/var/db/pkg''.

     PORTSDIR       Alternative location for the ports tree and the ports
                    database files.  The default is ``/usr/ports''.

I also see some stuff in pkgtools.conf comments that might pertain to
this sort of thing, but I'm not entirely clear yet on how this might be
used to access a third-party repository for ports without breaking normal
operation.  If there's a tutorial out there that would explain how to do
something like this, I have not yet found it.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

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