On 9/26/10, Carmel <carmel...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 02:03:28 +0200
> Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> articulated:
>> On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 19:46:08 -0400, Carmel <carmel...@hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 00:49:16 +0200
>> > Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> articulated:
>> >
>> > > Have you tried mounting using the ATAPI driver?
>> > >
>> > >  # mount -o ro -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 /mnt
>> > >
>> > > Does this work for data CDs?
>> >
>> > I get this error message:
>> >
>> >    mount_cd9660: /dev/acd0: Invalid argument
>> This seems to show that there's no ISO-9660 file system on
>> the (data) CD, or the session is not finished, or any other
>> problem on file system level. Can you check
>>      % file - < /dev/acd0
>>      % cdcontrol info
>> Here's an example for the output for a data CD:
>>      % file - < /dev/acd0
>>      /dev/stdin: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data
>>      'FreeBSD_Install                ' (bootable)
>>      % cdcontrol info
>>      Starting track = 1, ending track = 1, TOC size = 18 bytes
>>      track     start  duration   block  length   type
>>      -------------------------------------------------
>>          1   0:02.00  57:57.56       0  260831   data
>>        170  57:59.56         -  260831       -      -
>> And for an audio CD:
>>      % file - < /dev/acd0
>>      /dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Invalid argument)
>>      % cdcontrol info
>>      Starting track = 1, ending track = 18, TOC size = 154 bytes
>>      track     start  duration   block  length   type
>>      -------------------------------------------------
>>          1   0:02.00   3:31.03       0   15828  audio
>>          2   3:33.03   2:52.67   15828   12967  audio
>>      ...
>>         17  52:24.53   7:27.30  235703   33555  audio
>>         18  59:52.08   2:48.67  269258   12667  audio
>>        170  62:41.00         -  281925       -      -
>> Do you get the same results for the respective CD content types?
> I made some file permission changes, rebooted and made sure that the
> changes were static, and then ran a few test.
> The cdcontrol program will not play a CDROM although it claims it is. I
> can play an audio CD from within KDE; however, it is like pulling teeth
> to accomplish it. Way too much trouble. MPlayer cannot access the audio
> CD naively.
> DATA CDs are another story. I cannot mount them.
> Using a data CD:
> # file - < /dev/acd0
> /dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Input/output error)
> # file - < /dev/cd0
> /dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Invalid argument)
> # cdcontrol info
> cdcontrol: getting toc header: Invalid argument
> cdcontrol: Invalid argument
> With an audio CD:
> # file - < /dev/acd0
> /dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Invalid argument)
> # file - < /dev/cd0
> /dev/stdin: ERROR: cannot read `(null)' (Device not configured)
> # cdcontrol info
> Starting track = 1, ending track = 3, TOC size = 34 bytes
> track     start  duration   block  length   type
> -------------------------------------------------
>     1   0:02.00   6:32.00       0   29400  audio
>     2   6:34.00   3:55.12   29400   17637  audio
>     3  10:29.12   3:42.23   47037   16673  audio
>   170  14:11.35         -   63710       -      -
> Finally, just trying a mount command from the command line:
> $ sudo mount -o ro -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 /mnt
> mount_cd9660: /dev/acd0: Invalid argument
> $ sudo mount -o ro -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt
> mount_cd9660: /dev/cd0: Device not configured
> This is getting to be far more trouble and wasting way too much time
> than it is worth. I can just put the CDs in one of my Windows machines
> and then transfer the data over the network to the FreeBSD units. What
> is strange is that this use to work before I upgraded.
> By the way, Polytropon, please do not CC me. I am on the list and I
> really do not need two copies of every post. Others may appreciate it;
> however, I don't.

If you are sure that this is not environment issue on you side, maybe
it is because output to cd is broken in new snd_hda requiring manual
setup (unforunatelly this is not trivial).

Look snd_hda(4) for more info. Also try to post to multimedia.
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