El 07/10/2010 12:11 a.m., Randal L. Schwartz escribió:
"Michael" == Michael Powell<nightre...@hotmail.com>  writes:

Michael>  I was under the impression that the most onerous of these
Michael>  export rules and restrictions applied to crypto technology. If
Michael>  this is so, what I don't quite grasp is what do crypto export
Michael>  restrictions have to do with acpi? Is acpi a copyrighted,
Michael>  patented, or trademark otherwise owned by some entity? Quite
Michael>  possibly so as it is in contrib. I just have no idea who might
Michael>  "own" it. Or how it would fall afoul of crypto export
Michael>  restrictions.

Exactly my point.  Either it's crypto, and the whole distro is tainted
and should be marked as such UP FRONT, or it's not, and the paragraph
should be removed, if possible.

Or a third alternative... use the ACPI implementation from OpenBSD,
which doesn't have such a restriction.

You just read my mind ... I was about to point out the same thing .. which I think was what inspired Theo to title his mail "FreeBSD isn't Free" ... I took it as he was making fun about the fact that they have their own acpi implementation whereas, by following acpica, FreeBSD turned out being subject to intel´s acpica copyright notice and terms.

Boiling it down, Theo´s mail was nothing but a "MDIBTY ... and furthermore: we are not tiered by legal restrictions" ... and just as you said: "Like it or not, Theo has a point..." although from where I´m standing, he has two ...

Best Regards
Gonzalo Nemmi
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