On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 08:27:41PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 11:14:38 -0700, Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org> wrote:
> >     Bah, or Bah-humbug!  I tried the quick-fix mod and get the
> >     following:
> > 
> > 
> > moused_type="auto"   
> > moused: optind: 9, optarg: '4'
> > moused: unable to open /dev/psm0: No such file or directory
> > ethic# 
> This was to be expected. Check
>       # dmesg | grep psm
> If no PS/2 mouse shows up, moused has nothing to connect to. Maybe
> resetting (power-cycling) the KVM switch helps?
> >     Then i dropped in your four line into /etc/rc.conf and rebooted.
> >     A few lines before the prompt was the message that "/dev/psm0"
> >     was not file nor directory.
> Same thing - no device there.
> >     Suggestions?  The kernel on this '09 Dell is from last December.
> >     I'll rebuild.
> I've been using PS/2 mice with 4.0 GENERIC kernel, so there will
> surely be no "bleeding edge" technology needed. :-)
> The psm driver has been part of the GENERIC kernel for years, and
> I doubt is has been removed lately...
> >     I finished upgrading kernel and world on my 2003 Dell.  Will
> >     drop in your 4 lines and see what happened after reboot.
> Also check dmesg. The psm device MUST be found. It should "come through"
> the same controller mechanism as the keyboard (atkbdc), so if the
> keyboard works, the mouse should, too.
> Oh, just a suggestion: if you can directly connect a mouse, check
> if it works. Do NOT connect anything from or to a PS/2 connector
> while the system is powered on! PS/2 is NOT hot-pluggable!

        This mouse is A USB type.  The KVM only has two USM slots,
        nothing for a PS/2 type anything... I think.  Wait. the keyboard
        is old enough to be PS/2.  Trouble is that I can't see back
        behind the KVM box.  The 'user manual' has few diagrams.


> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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