Frank Shute wrote:
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 01:17:54PM -0500, Michael D. Norwick wrote:
Good day;

How does one load a downloaded fluxbox theme? I have unpacked a nice vermaden authored theme into
.fluxbox/flux-themes but that is where I am stuck.

fluxbox ver. 1.1.1 from ports

What goes in the .fluxbox/styles directory?


$ ls -F
apps           fbrun_history  keys-dis       menu~          startup
backgrounds/   init           keys~          overlay        styles/
fbpager        init~          lastwallpaper  pixmaps/       windowmenu
fbpager~       keys           menu           slitlist
$ ls -F styles
blackwood/  blue_curve/ cherry/     skulls/
$ ls -F styles/cherry
theme.cfg   theme.cfg~
$ ls -F backgrounds/
cherry.png         curves.jpg         skulls.jpg         wood1280x1024.jpg
The above gives you an idea if where everything belongs.

theme.cfg has a line calling the background. E.g:

background:                                             fullscreen
background.pixmap:                      ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/cherry.png


Again, Thank You, for your kind response. I was hoping for a more lightweight desktop environment compared to KDE4. Yet, with reduced overhead comes more manual configuration.

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