I have files on a USB flash drive that are created on a Mac OS. When I want
to use the files on my FreeBSD, I have problems. I've searched the
FreeBSd Forums. I found a similar post,
http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=14612. The problem is not
resolved in that post. May be somebody here can help me.

The filenames contain Chinese characters. The USB drive filesystem is
FAT32. My system is FreeBSD 8.0 stable. My shell is tcsh. The 'ls'
command shows the files as these.

????????.dvd.cd1.rmvb   ????DVD?.rmvb

with the '-b' option, it shows the same result.

however, with the '-l' option or other options, I get error

ls: ????????.dvd.cd1.rmvb: Invalid argument
ls: ????DVD?.rmvb: Invalid argument
total 0

with the '-i' option, I get the same error without inode displayed.

with 'ls *DVD*' or 'ls *', it shows,

ls: No match.

I also tried the 'find' command, the results are similar.

Because the Chinese characters in the filenames are not displayed, I
want to rename the filenames. It seems there is no way to do it. All the
methods failed, such as using inode. Thus I can not use these files created on
Mac OS.

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