In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Siegbert Baude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> With a maximum of four slices on PCs you can create up to 28 
> partitions, which should be sufficient for a disk.

You can put FreeBSD partitions in extended slices, so the upper limit
is significantly higher than 28.

> I once tried to use (in DOS-terms) logical partitions within an 
> extended partition. This is possible, if you do the math and creation 
> of partition tables by hand, but is not supported by the FreBSD tools. 

No, you don't need to do anything by hand. Just disklabel /dev/amr0s5
and so on, and create the partitions in it. I will note that on
5.0-RELEASE, the extended slice devices didn't get created for me.

Of course, one has to wonder why anyone needs as many as seven
partitions on a single disk. It's far more common to want to go the
other way, and have multiple disks in a single partition.

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