On 19 November 2010 09:48, Andy Wodfer <wod...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Peter <fb...@peterk.org> wrote:
> > I tend to stay away from raid cards.  With ZFS pools all you need is ZFS
> > and any OS [easily move drives around servers], vs. raid cards have to be
> > the same if moving/replacing/card fails.
> >
> > With 'ZFS: do not give it all your HDD'
> > [ http://www.freebsddiary.org/zfs-with-gpart.php ]
> > You don't even need to have drives that are exactly the same.
> >
> > Completely not tied to any hardware....
> >
> Wow! I'm learning more and more and I'm really beginning to like ZFS!
> Question: What happens if 1 drive out of say 4 fails in a pool? And what
> about hotswapping a (faulty) drive? Is this still possible with ZFS? Can I
> actually replace a Raid 5 setup with a ZFS settup and have the same data
> security if drives fail?'
> Cheers,
> Andy
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If you already have a 3ware card and you are familiar with them, why not let
it do the raid and just plonk zfs on top of the lun presented to the system?
Will make booting off pure zfs much easier.
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