On Tuesday 23 November 2010 13:55:51 Dave wrote:

> Have a small web server, again I've read that Apache can do a good job,
> but I don't want (nor need) all it's facilities, in particular I need to
> lock it down so no "Put's" can happen for a start!  The web pages are
> simple flat form, text and static graphics, with a little client side
> scripting, purely to find the client's local date and time, to select the
> graphic to serve.

Two good choices for a lightweight webserver would be:

www/cherokee  Easy to configure

www/lighttpd  Also lightweight and easy to configure

> Have a FTP server, so I can automate some of the web page graphics
> updates, from other systems that generate the data, and can FTP files
> across the LAN, also of course for general web page maintenance needs.




Beech Rintoul - FreeBSD Developer - be...@freebsd.org
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