> Hi.
> As I now have ssh working, I can indeed have multiple logins running in
> indipendant windows on another box.   (because I have it) I'm using PuTTY
> on Win2k.  
> http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/<http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/%7Esgtatham/putty/>
> It appears to work well.
> I now have another problem of the BSD flavor (inabiltiy to 'su') but I've
> already asked that in another post.
> Thanks.
use screen/tmux/some other app that does this inside of putty to preserve
work in progress. :D

>  Dave B.
> PS:     Do I detect a Monty Python fan?  ;-)
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