On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 12:25:20PM +0100, Perica Veljanovski wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE and I have Squid 2.5.STABLE1 and MySQL 3.23.54
> installed. Squid is configured to use an external shell script "sqauth" as
> an authenticator via MySQL database, and it all works fine. Whenever I
> start squid as root it starts the squid daemon with 5 child proceses of
> sqauth (as configured), BUT when I reboot and start squid from /etc/rc.local
> or /usr/local/etc/rc.d/squid.sh the squid daemon starts without the
> sqauth child proceses. Same thing happens when I start squid from
> /etc/crontab as root, or any other user for that mather. 
> I tryed giving 777 to squauth and squid, it doese not help.
Under root you have some environment variables, such as path.
Try to specify fully path to all programs.
> Doese anyone have any idea why is this happening? 
> Can you give me another solution on starting squid after boot time with
> some kind of a script.
I have almost like this problem, while running crontab task.

With best wishes Nikolay
ICQ#: 136497739

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