On 12/18/10 02:58, Dave wrote:

I've actualy got a "messing about" PC with 8.1 on, that I often play with
during lunch times at work.  Trouble is, been working through lunchtimes
for the last week or three.

Self teaching is good, you certainly learn things, but though I'm not in
need of instant self gratification, it's a bit frustrating the time it
takes to learn, and then get it sorted, when I idealy want it to "just

If you take them time now, it'll get quicker in the future. Happens to me all the time, so I understand the frustration, but hang in there and eventually you'll be flipping them out wherever you like. Being able to ask sometimes stupid questions here to get things clear is always handy too- sometimes something that should be obvious evades our comprehension :)
Still, for the price (free of course) I can't complain, and it's not as
if I'm doing it for a job, or charging anyone for it.  If I was, I'd take
paid for advice, and pass the cost on!

It'll pay off in the end. IF you were getting paid for it, you'd have the knowledge for future clients, so I'm not sure how that fits in the economics ;) That said, I've found that paid advice is not always as helpful or knowledgeable as free... That may not be the case where you though. Here things are ruled by how much can be gained now and in the near future such as "off the shelf".
Thanks for the encoragement..

Dave B.

On 17 Dec 2010 at 12:14, Indexer wrote:

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Indexer and Da Rock, many thanks, more reading, and some fiddling
needed I think.
It is the best way to learn. Setup a VM of fbsd 8.1 on your computer,
and just play with it on that with jails, and learn what you can an
cant do. Remember that if you ever need help of course, these email
lists are great. Also, read the FBSD handbook, it has some great

Isnt self directed learning great ;)

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