On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 18:09:16 -0800
per...@pluto.rain.com wrote:

> Which of the 8.1-RELEASE distribution sets contains the handbook,
> developer's handbook, porter's handbook, etc?  I thought I had
> searched everywhere, but must have missed something.

Those distributions were a mystery to me the first time I installed
FreeBSD and they still are. I've never understood why anyone would want
to lump together significant ports installation with minor base-system
penny-pinching in such an opaque way. 

In recent versions of sysinstall the documentation is packaged, so IIWY
I'd just install the appropriate port or package.

$ ls -d /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-*
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-all   /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-ja
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-bn    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-mn
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-da    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-nl
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-de    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-pl
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-el    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-pt
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-en    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-ru
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-es    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-sr
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-fr    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-tr
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-hu    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-zh_cn
/usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-it    /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-zh_tw

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