On 12/24/10 13:50, Victor Sudakov wrote:
Polytropon wrote:
Of course I can always write my own script or put something like
su -l svn -c 'usr/local/bin/svnserve -d --listen-port=3690 bla bla'
into /etc/rc.local, but the question was about the rc.d framework.
Environmental variables cannot be controlled by the rc.d
framework, as far as I understand. Using login classes to
define them should be the correct way.

> From "man login.conf":

        setenv  list    A comma-separated list of
                        environment variables and
                        values to which they are to
                        be set.
I thought of that, and in fact I wrote about it in the very first

I tried to do this via a login class for the svn user, but it did
not work. If I first 'su -l svn' and then start the daemon
manually, the environment variable is set all right, but not when
it is started from /usr/local/etc/rc.d/svnserve.
What did you enter for the svnserve user in /etc/login.conf,

and did you make sure there is no override setting in the
corresponding user's ~/.login.conf?
I am pretty sure because when I login interactively as svn, I see

$ whoami
$ printenv | grep KT

But it does not work for the rc.d script.

Doesn't the rc.d script run as root initially and then a method (default flags, etc) is used to change the owner to a nobody (restricted privilege user)? Just my 2c, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
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