On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 05:09:30PM +0000, Frank Shute wrote:
> I generally play my tracks of an album like so:
> for track in $(cat trombone_shorty-backatown.m3u); do
> mplayer $track
> done
> They then play in the correct order.
> How would I go about randomising the order of play using
> sh (preferably) or perl?
> Sorry for the OT posting but I thought a brainteaser might clear the
> fog caused by excessive Xmas indulgence ;)
> Regards,
> -- 
>  Frank
>  Contact info: http://www.shute.org.uk/misc/contact.html

A little while back I wrote a perl script to randomly pick mp3, 
ogg, flac files from any directory specified as arg 1 and play them
using mplayer. 

I categorize my genres by directory and with this perl script I can
randomly play songs from any directory.

If the script is invoked without any arguments, then it will play songs
from the default hard-coded directory defined by $SONG_DIR.

Don't know if this would be useful to you (or someone else). 

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $SONG_DIR = "/home/joji/songs/good";

if ($#ARGV == 0)
    $SONG_DIR = $ARGV[0];

my %played = ();
my $rand;
my $dh;
my @song_list;

opendir($dh, $SONG_DIR);
@song_list = readdir($dh);

my $count = $#song_list;

# Perl counts from zero. If there is one item, Perl will say 0.
# So to get the real count, we have to increment by 1.


while ((keys %played) < $count)
        while (1)
                $rand = int(rand($count));
                if (! $played{$rand})
                        $played{$rand} = 1;

                if ((keys %played) >= $count)

    if ($song_list[$rand] eq "." || $song_list[$rand] eq "..")
        print "Playing song # " . $rand . " [" . $song_list[$rand] . "]\n";
        `mplayer \"$song_list[$rand]\"`;


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