Quoth Gary Kline on Wednesday, 05 January 2011:
> Guys,
> If there are any people who are into maintaining web logs/blog, this
> might be _the_ place to ask.  O/wise, type 'd' now.
> One thing I've heard several times is that blogging is a good way of
> promoting one's own books.  (I've got at least three books either
> published or to-be-published. [[ ... .]])  Now, outside this list
> nobody knows me--and that's fine, except that  with a just published
> ebook, it's time to make my name and ebook public.  Before I rush
> out and sign up with some blogging websites, would be be better to
> use a FBSD port and do it myself?
> Ill be open about this: I'm still not _entirely_ sure whata blog is.
> But I'm a fast study :)
> If there are better places to ask about web logs, URL's please... .
> gary
> PS: Any reason why nobody here has read my ebook?  It is for geeks
> and about op en source stuff, so, like , v'mon, people 
> -- 
>  Gary Kline  kl...@thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
>            Journey Toward the Dawn, E-Book: http://www.thought.org
>           The 7.97a release of Jottings: http://jottings.thought.org
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I use WordPress hosted on my own domains.  As others have mentioned, it's
pretty easy to maintain.  It also does a lot of the SEO for you.  For
instance, when you add new content, the default configuration
automatically notifies various ping servers so that aggregators (and
Google) pick up the new content right away.  Extensions can be found for
just about anything you need, and they aren't that hard to write if you
don't find what you're looking for.

OTOH, WordPress can be pretty heavy on page loads unless you go to some
pains to optimize it.  For most people, that isn't a concern -- but if
you were to have the enviable problem of getting a few thousand or more
hits per day then it could become an issue.

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