am in the process of moving all of my NAS from open solaris to FreeBSD (I 
hope?) and have run into a few speed bumps along the way. Maybe I am doing 
something way way wrong but I cannot seem to find any info at all on some of my 
issues. I hope this is the right list to ask - if not please steer me in the 
right direction. 

I am not new to BSD's but then again I am not intimately familiar with a lot of 
the inner workings and things have change a bunch since my kernel hacking days 
of NET2 on a vax so this is probably just a parameter somewhere but I cannot 
seem to find it. Here goes...

Question 1?

I am trying to get FreeBSD running ZFS to work as both a server and a consumer 
of iSCSI targets and can't seem to attach to more than 8 devices. In fact it 
seems to break after a TOTAL of 8 SCSI devices on the client (initiator end) 
after attaching 8 SCSI devices da0 through da7 target discovery even stops 
working with this message when running ANY iscontrol commend on the initiator.

ISCSISETSES: Device not configured 

I believe this is on the initiator end and has to do with the total number of 
attached scsi devices but am not completely sure - I am using the built in 
iscsi initiator and kernel module NOT open iscsi and istgt on the server. Any 
ideas? Is this on the server end somehow? Ps. There is absolutely no messages 
in any log server or client after the 8 device and iSCSI stops working the 
above message comes from the iscontrol command with the -v option.

Question 2?
In order to make device names persistent I am using glabel on raw 
non-partitioned devices to simulate solaris persistent device names. I also 
understand that I can use GPT disks and that glabel somehow integrates with the 
GUID? Is this the case or is using GPT a completely independent alternative to 
using glabel? In any case what is the best/most common practice to achieving 
the end result (reliably and dependably) in the FreeBSD world?

Thanks a lot


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