On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:22 AM, elbbit <elb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't "work" like you do.  I live in a world without money, without
> rules and restrictions, without deadlines and targets.  I don't labour
> anything - I leisure everything.

So Simon, you must be the poor man I pass on the street every day and give
Quarters to for coffee?

Here is a label for you to chew on YOU ARE A SPAMMER! *THIS* list is for
FreeBSD-related questions not for you to shove your inflammatory words down
our throats. You've made your point, now please go away. No one *ON THIS
LIST* wants to read your words, we no longer care about your opinion or what
it means because you clearly don't care about our opinion for you to change
the subject and get on a topic for this list.

Speaking of topics ... just because a mailing list is open for you to send
mail to DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN SPAM IT WITH NONSENSE!!!!! freebsd-questions
has a purpose and it would be wise for you to adhere to it, there are also
rules of etiquette which you should also adhere to.

Each piece of mail you have sent has been reported to your ISP/Carrier. Each
piece of mail you continue to send will lodge you yet another complaint. I
will continue to do this till I piss your ISP/Carrier off SO bad, they are
left with two choices .... nullroute me or deal with you .... since I have
many thousands of domains at my disposal, I think, from a business
perspective, they will choose to cut you off, cold-turkey then deal w/ the
technical resources required to continue to block me, also if enough other
people from both the freebsd and debian lists complain, your ISP/Carrier may
even choose to seek legal action from you. You *are* in violation of your
agreement, a legally binding contract in your country of origin and the

Simon, do not reply, we no longer wish to here your dribble and we
so desperately wish for you to crawl back into the hole whence you came.
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