On 02/03/11 14:12, Robert Huff wrote:
Alexandre writes:

  On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Pavlo Greenberg<sir_...@onet.com.ua>wrote:

  >  [SNIP]
  >  But I'm agree with you, OOo's behavior after the last update is abnormal.

  Why not give a try to LibreOffice, that is in ports :

        I switched yesterday, having not known it was available.
        It seems to work on all OOo-generated material (as one would
expect), and build cleanly and (subjectively) somewhat faster than
OO.  (This is on an 4x3ghz amd64 machine with 8 gb of memory.)

                                        Robert Huff

LibreOffice seems not to be that kind of 'replacement' I'd expected. Trying to start 'spadmin' for setting up printers fails with some libraries not found - I had to append paths to the right (weird) lib-path to /etc/ld-elf.so.conf.

Done this, spadmin and sibblings will start but whatever I do have as printers (CUPS based on all of our systems), I'm incapable of having these printers for usage listed in LibreOffice! OpenOffice works fine.
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