On Sat, 5 Feb 2011 00:23:31 +0600
Alexey Serebryakoff <overlap...@gmail.com> articulated:

> This is my /etc/rc.conf
> ...
> hald_enable="YES"                                                             
> polkitd_enable="YES"                                                          
> dbus_enable="YES"                                                             
> local_startup="${local_startup} /usr/local/kde4/etc/rc.d"                     
> kdm4_enable="YES"
> ...

I had a friend who had a problem with Akonadi also, although it was
failing with MySQL and dbus. For whatever reason, he ran
"mysql_upgrade", rebooted the system and the problem went away. Perhaps
it was just a coincidence. In any event, he does not have a
"polkitd_enable" statement in the rc.conf file, nor a "local_startup"
one either.

Jerry ✌

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