On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 19:26 -0600, Adam Vande More wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Devin Teske <dte...@vicor.com> wrote:
>         There's no technical reason to avoid using halt directly other
>         than the
>         fact that shutdown sends a message to connected users while
>         halt does
>         not.
>         --
>         Devin
>         P.S. I welcome the rebuttle as a learning experience if the
>         above is not
>         100% accurate and true (but be-warned... I went around the
>         office
>         polling _really_ old UNIX hands before making the above
>         statement).
> I used to believe that until I was shown I was wrong.  The easiest way
> to see you're wrong is to drop to ttyv0  then do one of each like a
> reboot then a shutdown -r now.  In the latter case, you'll
> notice /etc/rc.d/ and /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop scripts being
> processed but not so in the former.  In both types of shutdowns,
> everything *should* exit cleanly but processes are terminated with
> different signals and certain types of applications really need the
> full rc stop script to end cleanly like HAST and CARP for example.
> shutdown -r/p is a really good habit to form. 
> FWIW, someone also stated reboot on Linux behaves like shutdown -r now
> so that I sure contributes to the confusion. 

Thank you very much for the explanation!

Yes, I (we) had completely forgotten about the shutdown scripts.

Of course, many of us still remember the days when it standard fare to
"sync; sync; halt".

> -- 
> Adam Vande More

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