
    I have a gateway with wireless interface wi0. From time to time it hangs down
with the following log entry in /var/log/all.log

Mar 28 22:19:37 morpheus /kernel: wi0: failed to allocate 1594 bytes on NIC
Mar 28 22:19:37 morpheus /kernel: wi0: tx buffer allocation failed
Mar 28 22:19:37 morpheus /kernel: wi0: wi_cmd: busy bit won't clear.
Mar 28 22:19:37 morpheus /kernel: wi0: failed to allocate 1594 bytes on NIC
Mar 28 22:19:37 morpheus /kernel: wi0: mgmt. buffer allocation failed
Mar 28 22:20:42 morpheus /kernel: wi0: wi_cmd: busy bit won't clear.
Mar 28 22:21:42 morpheus /kernel: wi0: wi_cmd: busy bit won't clear.

    I tried the following script, placed as a crontab entry to reboot the system:


result=`fping 212.50.x.xxx|cut -b 17-21`
if [ "$result1" = "$result" ]; then
echo $result

This script works as expected when envoked from the shell, but when placed
as th following crontab entry:

*/10    *       *       *       *       root    /root/reb (reb is the script name)

the system reboots regardless if 212.50.x.xxx is reachable or not.

What is the difference??? And what am I doing wrong??

I'm tracking FreeBSD 4-STABLE and this is 4.8-RC FreeBSD 4.8-RC #0:

Any help will be appreciated.

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