I'll try to help make it easy for you, since you seem to be having a lot
of trouble grasping the concept of actually trying to make a point via
logical argument and presentation of evidence:

Start with the Wikipedia page comparing command shells [0].  Look through
the various tables there -- feel free to ignore the "Programming
features" table since it's irrelevant to the question of what makes a
good interactive user shell -- to see where shells differ.  Based on the
differences you find, build up a list of reasons that tcsh is not as good
a choice as mksh.

Next, offer some examples of common command line syntax rules and how
they affect the way we compose commands.  Such examples should include
stuff like:

* environment variable assignment, printing, and export
* nesting commands
* completion and history access
* useful configuration file characteristics and capabilities

Then, of course, you can go on to further strengthen your case with
references to dependencies, licensing, resource consumption and on-drive
size, bugs, and so on.

Any of this stuff might actually present a meaningful argument, as
opposed to just asserting other people are idiots, claiming you're right
with nothing to back it up, and generally waving your hands and making a
lot of noise without convincing anyone of anything.

(By the way, I'll save you the trouble of referring to the license.  I
know that mksh uses the same license as the MirOS project, which is a
variant of the Historic Permission license.  It's a copyfree license; I
have no objects to using it on those grounds, personally.)

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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