On 02/03/2011 21:46, Tom Worster wrote:
> does anyone have advice on getting libsphinxclient up an running?
> the sphinxsearch port seems not to do it and i'm completely failing to
> build the client from source.

Well, as maintainer of sphinxsearch, I'm sorry about that.  I did have a
quick look at building libsphinxclient from both the 0.9.9 and 1.10-beta
sources.  You're right.  It's pretty broken on FreeBSD.

Patches welcome!  I'll be happy to add libsphinxclient support somehow
-- probably as a separate port, but right now $REALLIFE is keeping me
too busy to devote much time to doing ports stuff.

Looks like there's been some significant fixes gone into the development
version -- the OP might like to try grabbing the latest code from SVN
(http://code.google.com/p/sphinxsearch/) and trying that.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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