On 03/09/11 16:31, Frank Shute wrote:
On Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 02:00:37PM -0800, Nerius Landys wrote:
This is not a technical question.

Basically I have some cash sitting around.  I'm thinking of investing
part of it with a company that I believe in.  Apple came to mind.
Don't invest your cash in a company that has reached it's peak and is
on it's way down after it's charismatic leader dies sooner rather than

2nd biggest company by cap after Exxon?! Can you say "overpriced"?

You could say that I'd like to judge Apple's moral character before
investing money with them.  Does anyone know how Apple reciprocates
to FreeBSD?  After all a lot of MacOSX is borrowed from FreeBSD.  I
am not seeing Apple's name on this page:
http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/donate/sponsors.shtml .  Are there
other ways in which Apple might be reciprocating?
Apple produces the clusterfuck that is CUPS, I believe. They do also
produce good stuff that is bsd licensed like GCD. But even if they
produce magical pixie dust they're still overpriced.

- Nerius

At US$591.77 and little product in sight, I'd say nerd paramour Google is overpriced too. They're *all* defacto overpriced once one takes into consideration the price is set in large part by the herd mentality. Perhaps fortunately, this works for the underpriced stocks too. The trick is telling which is which. Always has been, unless you're Goldman Sachs.

Apple bought CUPS for something like 20 million at some point in the not too distant past. It works great for me with an HP3600n and an HP laserjet4 but, if not for the 3600, I'd be on lpd again in a heartbeat. If you think CUPS is a clusterfuck now you should check out the sundry linux lists pre-sale date. The noobs were tearing their hair out. It's come a long way.

The OP can invest where they'd like but like others I'd recommend a small gift to the FreeBSD Foundation. I make one every year at tax time. Feels good...


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