On Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:03:01 -0600
Jorge Biquez <jbiq...@intranet.com.mx> wrote:

> 1) catalago/shopping cart solution only, nothing complicated not many 
> users , something simple, personal project to learn and try to sell 
> products. Nothing big.
> 2) I also want to have a couple of sites running a CMS software. The 
> same, not big one, not millions of users expected, some close to a 
> few clients and my relation with them.
> 3) To have a customer relationship, tickets, help center etc. Nothing 
> big. My company is small now... just me

I'm in the same boat. :-)

At the moment I use Concrete5 (http://www.concrete5.org/) and you have
ecommerce which nicely integrates with it

but it costs $125.

Concrete is very nice to use CMS.

However, I also strongly consider to switch to SilverStripe
(http://www.silverstripe.org/) which is released under BSD license. ;)

There is also ecommerce module available
(http://www.silverstripe.org/ecommerce-module/) but it is free as well
as all other extension modules.

Since I have similar needs and sell only 'services', I prefer to have
simple & easy to use CMS and integrated ecommerce module.

Hope it helps.


“In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are
all mental speculations…” (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu)

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