> Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 00:19:26 -0400
> From: Tim Dunphy <bluethu...@gmail.com>
> Subject: reverse dns in bind9
> Hello,
>  I am attempting to setup reverse dns in bind 9 under freebsd... this is 
>  in an attempt to allow mysql to work a little easier with DNS 
>  resolution.
>  In my /etc/named/named.conf file I have the following:
> // RFC 1912
> zone "localhost"  { type master; file "master/localhost-forward.db"; };
> zone "127.in-addr.arpa" { type master; ile "master/localhost-reverse.db"; };
> zone "255.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "master/empty.db"; };
> zone "192.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "master/summitjnhome-reverse.db"; 
> }; 
> zone "summitnjhome.com" { type master; file "master/summitnjhome.db"; };
> My master/summitnjhome.com looks like the following:

For starters, this should be in "master/summitnjhome-reerse.db"
> $TTL 3D
> @       IN      SOA     ns1.summitnjhome.com. bluethundr.gmail.com. (
>                         201103271 ; Serial, todays date + todays serial
>                         8H      ; Refresh
>                         2H      ; Retry
>                         4W      ; Expire
>                         1D)     ; Minimum TTL
>                         NS      ns1.summitnjhome.com.
> summitnjhome.com.
> 42               PTR     LCENT01.summitnjhome.com.
> 43               PTR     LCENT02.summitnjhome.com.
> 44               PTR     LBSD2.summitnjhome.com.
> 45               PTR     LCENT02.summitnjhome.com.
> 46               PTR     LCENT03.summitnjhome.com.
> 47               PTR     LCENT04.summitnjhome.com.
> 23               PTR     virtcent01.summitnjhome.com.
> 24               PTR     virtcent02.summitnjhome.com.
> 21               PTR     virtcent03.summitnjhome.com.
> 26               PTR     virtcent04.summitnjhome.com.
> 27               PTR     virtcent05.summitnjhome.com.
> 28               PTR     virtcent06.summitnjhome.com.
> 29               PTR     virtcent07.summitnjhome.com.
> 30               PTR     virtcent08.summitnjhome.com.
> 31               PTR     virtcent09.summitnjhome.com.
> 32               PTR     virtcent10.summitnjhome.com.
> 33               PTR     virtcent11.summitnjhome.com.
> 34               PTR     virtcent12.summitnjhome.com.
> 35               PTR     virtcent13.summitnjhome.com.
> 36               PTR     virtcent14.summitnjhome.com.
> 37               PTR     virtcent15.summitnjhome.com.
> 38               PTR     virtcent16.summitnjhome.com.
> 39               PTR     virtcent17.summitnjhome.com.
> 40               PTR     virtcent18.summitnjhome.com.
> 41               PTR     virtcent19.summitnjhome.com.
> and my /etc/resolv.conf looks like this:
> domain  summitnjhome.com 
> nameserver
> nameserver
> zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file 
> "/etc/named/master/summitnjhome-reverse.db"
> };

the 'zone' line  you show should *NOT* be in resolv.conf at all.
this line should be in the  named.conf file *instead* of the one for
the '192.in-addr.arpa' zone.

> then I restart both named and the network service
> and yet if I were to try forward resolution:
> LBSD2# host sum1 
> sum1.summitnjhome.com is an alias for LCENT01.summitnjhome.com.
> LCENT01.summitnjhome.com has address
> and then reverse resolution:
> LBSD2# host
> Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> I have no luck. Any thoughts on this?

see above.

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