Leon Meßner wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently searched google for "FreeBSD software raid" because i wanted
> to compare the advice google gives me for creating a software raid in
> linux and freebsd. First hit here was the link to the handbook page
> (18.4). This page still is only talking about ccd and vinum. I know
> there is a whole chapter about geom but why is there no mentioning about
> that in the Storage.RAID part of the Handbook ?

This is mostly pure conjecture on my part, but I think it is most likely a 
separation between "old" and "new". The Handbook is maintained and 
contributed to in an ad-hoc manner over long periods of time by  ever 
changing volunteers and I think there is a conservative approach to 
reorganizing or changing something someone else had contributed previously.  
The volunteer who wrote the GEOM chapter simply may not wish to alter what 
someone else contributed.

Although not perfect, I still think the Handbook is one of the best examples 
of documentation around.


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