--As of April 5, 2011 11:05:19 AM -0700, Gary Kline is alleged to have said:

        It is a Alix 601 board with 1G of CF flash.  But according to my
        hardware friend, it will take a CF burner of some kind.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

I'm going to assume you mean the Alix 6e1, which is the closest I can find in their numbering system.

It's got a standard CF adaptor. (*All* the Alix's do.) If there's a card in it, pull it off and insert into any CF reader, and it should work fine. (USB-based ones typically sell for $20, including SD, XD, MMC, Memorystick, and probably a few others as well. Check Best Buy, or your local computer hardware store, or possibly a camera store.) Then follow Arthur's advice. The CF card may be a little awkward to pull off.

If the card that's in there is some special card that needs some exotic burner... When you are at the computer store spend another $5 or so and get yourself a new card.

Daniel T. Staal

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