>> Does anyone know if this will ever be supported for FreeBSD 8.x?  I
>> tried both the version in ports as well as the one directly from
>> NVIDIA.  No joy.  Does anyone know of other possibilities?
> You might try putting the port's name in question into the body of
> your post. Anyway, is there a specific reason that you cannot use the
> latest version in the posts system, "nvidia-driver-256.53_1"? I believe
> that nVidia released a newer version last year, 270.41.06,
> but it is apparently not available in the ports system. You might want
> to check with <da...@freebsd.org> regarding that.
> All of the FreeBSD nVidia drivers are listed on:
> <http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html>.
> --
> Jerry ✌
> jerry+f...@seibercom.net

Sorry.  I should have mentioned that I'm using a GeForce FX 5200 card.
 Because of it's "age", NVIDIA says that it need the the
"nvidia-driver-173...", but NVIDIA also says they do not have a
version that works for FreeBSD 8.x.  I was hoping someone in the
FreeBSD community might have ported it.  Unfortunately, I'm no video
card hacker.
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