Mohammed Gamal <> writes:

> Hi ,uname -a output: FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 
> 8.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Feb 18 02:24                        :46 UTC 2011     
>  i386
> 1-where to get php-5.3.6.tbz and mysql cuz my ports collections doesn't exist.
> /usr/ports

You can install the ports collection, or install the package with
"package_add -r" or from (for example)

You might want to look at the section on ports and packages in the
handbook. These procedures are covered nicely.

> i have done installing apache2.2.17 from source but it doesn't start on boot 
> , i also added 
> apache22_enable="YES" to rc.conf but no effect.

If you don't install it yourself, you need to start it yourself.  You
can write an rc.d(8) script, but installing from a port (or package)
would install one for you.

> 2- why i can not access root account through ssh2 ?

Because the PermitRootLogin option is disabled by default (for good
security reasons).

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