On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 08:07:54PM -0500, Kevin Kinsey wrote:
> On 05/02/11 19:44, Polytropon wrote:
> >
> >You can also make use of so-called "Live systems", a thing not common
> >to "Windows": This is an installed and configured operating system
> >that you boot from a CD, DVD or USB stick.  You do NOT have to install
> >it.
> And this is the only *real* interesting input.  Download Sun's Virtual
> machine software, "VirtualBox" (I believe they just released version
> 4.0.6) and you can set up a FreeBSD machine *inside* your windows
> machine with no need to add any additional hardware or do any
> repartitioning of the hard disk.

Actually, that's Oracle's VirtualBox now.  For those who may not keep up
with such things, Oracle bought Sun and seems intent on pissing off all
the users of the late Sun's open source software.  So far, I have not
seen any issues with VirtualBox on Unix-like systems since Oracle
acquired stewardship of it along with everything else Sun had, though.

> >
> >I may point you to the EXCELLENT documentation online: The FreeBSD
> >Handbook and the FAQ. Those are QUALITY material not comparable to
> >anything you find in "Windows" land. If you're dealing with IT matter,
> >you'll have no problem to determine _what_ to read. Those resources
> >can be easily accessed through the FreeBSD web page, but can also used
> >locally (maybe on systems without Internet or web access).
> +1 for the FreeBSD Handbook.  Ten years ago, I downloaded it, and now
> scores of people in my area think I'm the guru to match all 'Nix gurus.
> Of course, they're all Windows users ;-)

The FreeBSD Handbook is easily my favorite BSD Unix book, and my second
favorite Linux book, even though it's not technically a Linux book --
it's just that good.  Of course, my favorite Linux book is my second
favorite BSD Unix book as well -- because it, too, is just that good.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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