On 03/05/2011 21:40, Roland Smith wrote:
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 10:12:33AM +0200, David Demelier wrote:

I would like to get the dev.cpu.0.temperature node from sysctlbyname().
It seems this node is an opaque type but how to check it and store it to
the appropriate variable type ?

The best way to determine this is to read the source. I did that some time ago
to fix the temperature display in sysutils/conky.

The sysctl dev.cpu.0.temperature returns an integer, see
/sys/dev/coretemp/coretemp.c (look for the string "temperature"), and you'll 

          * Add the "temperature" MIB to dev.cpu.N.
         sc->sc_oid = SYSCTL_ADD_PROC(device_get_sysctl_ctx(pdev),
             OID_AUTO, "temperature",
             CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD,
             dev, 0, coretemp_get_temp_sysctl, "IK",
             "Current temperature");

If you look at the definition of coretemp_get_temp_sysctl in the same file:

         device_t dev = (device_t) arg1;
         int temp;

         temp = coretemp_get_temp(dev) * 10 + TZ_ZEROC;

         return (sysctl_handle_int(oidp,&temp, 0, req));

So the returned value is an 'int'. Note that TZ_ZEROC is #defined as 2732 at
the beginning of the file. The returned value is therefore the temperature
in Kelvin times ten.

On my machine, it gives e.g.:

     sysctl dev.cpu.0.temperature
        dev.cpu.0.temperature: 46.0C

If we check the 'raw' return value;

     sysctl -b dev.cpu.0.temperature|hd
     00000000  78 0c 00 00                                       |x...|

Running this value with the abovementioned algorithm in reverse through a
calculator, we get

    (0x0c78-2732)/10 = 46°C

Hope this helps.


Thanks a lot!

I had a look into the src and I saw the format "IK" used to register the sysctl node but I was also surprised that "IK" was not defined in man sysctl(9)

But I finally understood that K should means Kelvin :)


David Demelier
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