On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> wrote:
> On Thu, 5 May 2011 17:50:28 -0500, Antonio Olivares <olivares14...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Tried to do this:
>> # portupgrade -f ruby
>> # rm /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db
>> # portupgrade -f ruby18-bdb
>> # rm /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db /usr/ports/INDEX-*.db
>> # portupgrade -af
>> Did not work correctly[too many customizations] and Tried again
> I think "customizations" refers to the "make config"
> screens, correct? It's the typical kind of interaction
> that _nobody_ likes. :-)
Yes these are the ones :)  I have encountered two/three days of these
:(  This is why I am asking.
>> I had many packages that need to be updated so I am running :
>> # portupgrade -arRp
>> will this prompt me for customizations?
> The -P (and -PP) parameters requests precompiled binary
> packages - there is no way to configure them (as they have
> already been built using the port's default options).
> However, as soon as a package is not available, portupgrade
> will install the port from source (so make sure your
> ports tree is up to date), and it MAY happen that there
> is a "make config" interaction.
> The portupgrade program has a --batch parameter that
> reflects the BATCH=yes option for make calls (as if you
> would use "make install").
> The "decision tree" is as follows:
> Port can be configured?
>        Yes.
>                Port has already been configured?
>                        Yes.
>                                Build it with that options.
>                        No.
>                                Ask for options.
>                                Then build it with that options.
>        No.
>                Build port.
> This applies if there is no package (which you require
> with the -P parameter to portupgrade).
> Make sure you've understood the upgrading procedures for
> the system and the installed applications correctly.
> There _may_ be better tools than portupgrade for dealing
> with the second part (e. g. portmaster, portmanager).
> The command line parameters you've collected make portupgrade
> perform a "pkg_add-like upgrade" the binary way.
> Also note the correct order of the upgrade steps:
> 1. Upgrade system (with freebsd-update)
> 2. Upgrade ports tree (with portsnap)
> 3. Upgrade installed software (with portupgrade)
This is exactly more or less what I have done. while doing 1, I
encountered several broken ports.  But I just skipped those.  Ran 2
like the commands I posted.
> As I've mentioned, there are other tools that could take
> the place of the "with *" suggested above, but I think
> this is the way you intend to go.
> Just as an example, "make config-recursive" allows you to
> do all the config screens in one run, one after each other,
> and as soon as the settings got saved, they will be used
> without any further questions. See "man ports" for details
> about the several build targets; also see "man portupgrade"
> of other options you might need to create a non-interactive
> way of upgrading your installed ports.

I should have asked before :(, tried to do it on my own.  I have spent
two to three days answering questions back and forth and it seemed
that I would not finish :(  I was not sure to proceed or not, because
previously I got burned with many errors that lib????.so , ... and I
saw the system working and left it at that.  But now I know that to
keep a system in good working condition it needs to be updated with
security updates :)
> --
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

Thanks for helping out.  I have not encountered any prompts(*crossing
my fingers*) will let you know how this turns out.


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