On Fri, 6 May 2011 19:50:47 +0200
Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> articulated:

> On Fri, 6 May 2011 10:30:58 -0700, David Brodbeck <g...@gull.us>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Bill Tillman <btillma...@yahoo.com>
> > wrote:
> > Believe it or not, there are industries where faxing is still the
> > norm. 
> Don't just think about "big industries", also keep small
> businesses in mind - LOTS of them. A manager writes a
> letter, prints it, faxes it to the secretary, she then
> types it, prints it, and faxes it back to the manager.
> In case the manager requires some changes, he phones
> her, or makes annotations to her fax and faxes it back.
> Then she processes the changes and faxes the result
> again. On both sides, it's an inkpee fax. If it's not
> used heavily enough, it will dry out.

Are you joking? Why would anyone create a document, print it and then
FAX it? I create documents all the time in MS Word and then FAX the
document directly to the intended recipient. No printing required. And
why would the manager FAX it to a secretary to be transcribed and
printed then FAXed back? There are so many solutions to this that the
only answer that I can conceive of in this situation is that you are
describing an office environment from the 60's, unless you were just
joking to begin with.

> You think: Stupid! Inefficient! Expensive!


> Fully correct. And it's more the _norm_ than the exception,
> at least here in Germany.
> There are enough businesses that could invest in a
> computer-driven fax system (storage instead of paper,
> printing if and ONLY IF required), but they are too
> lazy in mind.
> > Many industrial suppliers want purchase orders by fax. 
> This has to do with a legal situation in many cases.
> A fax, unlike an e-mail, is often said to have a status
> like "letter with receipt", so the statement: "You
> did get the message." can be made from sending a fax
> and applying the receipt printed by the fax machine
> (sending report).
> Also printing a text, signing it, and then faxing it
> makes it look "more legal".

My legal signature has been scanned and stored so that I can simply add
it to any document I created sans the whole wasteful printing
operation, assuming that I do not require a hard copy.

> > It also
> > seems to be the common way that pharmacies communicate with doctors'
> > offices.  These are conservative industries where email (and
> > especially, email attachments) are still viewed with some suspicion.

It is legal in many locals in the US to FAX a prescription into a
pharmacy. The same applies to many legal documents for use in courts,
etcetera. I have never seen an e-mailed document accepted though.

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