On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 09:11, Bill Tillman <btillma...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> 2. I have my OpenVPN process running on my FreeBSD server and wish to test it
> with the OpenVPN client for Windows on my laptop from an outside location. But
> the only outside locations I have access to right now are the local McDonalds
> and Starbucks which offer free WiFi via AT&T's network. The trouble with this 
> is
> they appear to be blocking almost everything at these locations with the
> exception of HTTP traffic. I can't make the connection and I cannot acces my 
> via SSH either. I don't think they are blocking any particular ports on these
> systems as much as they are just blocking everything except those ports which
> allow users to surf the web. The only thing which appears in the status window
> is that's it trying to make the handshake but then fails. I can ping my home
> server from these outside locations so I know my server is reachable.

It's not uncommon for guest/visitor/unsponsored/portal wireless to
only have ports 80 and 443 (sometimes only port 80) open. You can
modify your server's config to use port 80 instead of 1194 (assuming
you aren't running a webserver on that machine). Keep in mind that if
you do that then before you can connect you'll have to:

o change the config on the server
o restart openvpn on the server
o change the config on the client

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