No problem:

I looked up my solution to the problem because I submitted a patch to fix 
things. It's here (ports pr #155788):

After this you should be able to create an encrypted filesystem with cmkdir and 
attach it with cattach and detach it with cdetach.

-- Chris

On May 17, 2011, at 6:53 AM, Alano Conraz wrote:

> I tried this and it seems to work. 
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Have a good day.
> While still being useful cfsd is old and doesn't conform to the latest 
> practices in nfs servers. In particular, it doesn't: use tcp, use IPv6, or do 
> nfs v3 or later.
> I changed the line in the .../rc.d/cfsd script that came with the port to the 
> following:
> mount -o port="$cfsd_port",nfsv2,udp${cfsd_bootstrap} 
> "$cfsd_mountpoint"
> I changed the mount to use udp and nfsv2. I also coded the localhost address 
> rather than the name. Finally, I made the bootstrap and the mountpoint 
> controllable via configuration variables. I'm pretty sure that I sent these 
> modifications to the cfs port maintainer as a patch to the port. I also 
> probably included a KEYWORD: shutdown in the port to get by an annoying 
> warning and the second startup.
> -- Chris Hilton
> Chris Hilton                                   e: chris|at|vindaloo|dot|com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 "The pattern juggler lifts his hand; The orchestra begin.
>     As slowly turns the grinding wheel in the court of the crimson king."
>                                          -- Ian McDonald / Peter Sinfield

Chris Hilton                       tildeChris --
                                       e: -- chris /at/ vindaloo /dot/ com
                       "I'm on the outside looking inside, What do I see?
                             Much confusion, disillusion, all around me."
                                       -- Ian McDonald / Peter Sinfield

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