I install wine for amd64 based on http://people.freebsd.org/~ivoras/wine/.
The installation is ok, but some error found when I use

# sh Downloads/patch-wine-nvidia.sh
===> Patching wine-fbsd64 to work with x11/nvidia-driver:
=> Detected wine-fbsd64: 1.3.20,1
=> Detected nvidia-driver: 270.41.19
=> Extracting NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-270.41.19.tar.gz to /usr/local/lib32...
x libGL.so.1
x libnvidia-tls.so.1
tar: NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-270.41.19/obj/libGLcore.so.1: Not found in archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
!!! Failed to extract NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-270.41.19.tar.gz !!!

The installation and patch-wine-nvidia.sh are all ok when I install
1.3.18,1* before a few days.

I don't know why, thx!
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