
After getting a couple of Hitachi 1T 7200 rpm drives, it seemed
like time for ZFS on FreeBSD82, having not had Z file system
subsequent to retiring whatever OpenSolaris was around.

Basically, I followed this article:


Previous to this, I had been using sysinstall.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad4 count=2
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad6 count=2

fdisk -BI ad4
fdisk -BI ad6

bsdlabel -wB /dev/ad4s1
bsdlabel -wB /dev/ad6s1

bsdlabel -e /dev/ad4s1

  a:  1G        16      4.2BSD  1024    8192    0
  b:  5G        *       swap
  c:  blah,blah
  d:  20G       *       4.2BSD  2048    16384   0
  e:  20G       *       4.2BSD  2048    16384   0
  f:  *         *       unused  0       0

bsdlabel /dev/ad4s1 > /tmp/bsdlabel.txt && bsdlabel -R \
        /dev/ad6s1 /tmp/bsdlabel.txt

Now it was way past midnight, I cannot recall but might have run

gmirror label -nb round-robin gm0 ad4s1 ad6s1

I ran these:

gmirror label root ad4s1a ad6s1a
gmirror label var ad4s1d ad6s1d
gmirror label usr ad4s1e ad6s1e
gmirror label -F swap ad4s1b ad6s1b
gmirror load

newfs -b 8192 -f 1024 /dev/mirror/root
newfs /dev/mirror/var
newfs /dev/mirror/usr

mount /dev/mirror/root /mnt
mkdir /mnt/var /mnt/usr
mount /dev/mirror/var /mnt/var
mount /dev/mirror/usr /mnt/usr

So I got the files with 'ftp passive' and followed the article all
to the 'reboot' command.  Seemed okay.

Now at the next page of the article:


Having read several articles and the zpool manual page, I still
have failed to create any kind of ZFS storage pool.

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