On 6/14/11 4:52 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:
Also, do you know the difference between pre-built packages on the
freebsd ftp server in packages-8.2-release vs packages-8-stable?

Well, IF you installed the source tree from the SAME cd  which you installed
the FreeBSD you have now, there won't be any problems. You said you want to
keep the stock kernel you installed so I assume that you haven't updated
anything from the internet. You MUST install the source tree from the same
DVD/CD from where you installed your running kernel!

The diference is that the packages are meant to run on their respective
version. I believe that packages that don't rely on a specific thing of one
version should run without problems on both. But this is not normal or even
needed at all, specially because it is so easy to bring everything uptodate to
the same version.

I installed from an 8.2 boot only CD (ie network install) and have since patched up to 8.2-p2. I assume I can just run sysinstall from my system and pull the src tree from the ftp server?

When 8.3 comes out, what do I need to do to update the src tree? This may be documented in the UPDATING docs, but having never messed with the source tree I haven't had cause to look. If so just tell me to go read the respective doc. :)

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