On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 15:11:22 -0700
Chuck Swiger <cswi...@mac.com> wrote:

> On Jun 16, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Robert wrote:
> > I have tested with all of the sticks installed and with one at a
> > time. When all of the sticks are installed, BIOS show a total of
> > 2752 MB of RAM. If any of the sticks are installed alone in any of
> > the four slots, BIOS then shows 960 MB instead of the 1024 one
> > would expect.
> Sounds like the BIOS is stealing 64MB for video RAM.
> There's likely a BIOS setting which governs the size of this.
> As for not being able to access all 4GB, this is a FAQ.
> If you run a 32-bit system, the top gigabyte or so of address space is
> reserved for memory mapped I/O reservations like AGP, PCIe, etc.
> If your hardware is capable of running in 64-bit mode, do that.
> Regards,


Thanks for the reply. I should have been clearer. During POST only 2752
MB is shown.

Also, I am running the amd64 version of freenas.

As I said, I am 100% sure this is a MOBO hardware problem and I was
just trying to compute the math.

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