On 2011/06/21, at 11:24, Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote:

>>> sed -i'' -e 's/^\(REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM \)postgres/\1pgsql/' \
>> ?          -e 's/^\(GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO \)postgres/\1pgsql/'    \
>> ?          /tmp/pgdump
>> sed: -e: No such file or directory
> If you put a space after -i:
>  sed -i '' ...

Aha... I knew it had to be something.  I couldn't quite wrap my head around the 
idea that sed is misbehaving.. it seems way too old and set in its ways for 
that.   However, I did get the -i'' syntax from somewhere.. perhaps it's a 
GNUism and I just forgot where I picked it up.  

Thanks for the correction!_______________________________________________
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