On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 22:17:09 +0100
wayne mitchell wrote:

> hey,
> i have just cvsup'ed for first time (newbie)

You probably want to use RELENG_8_1 which is the security branch for
the 8.1 release. RELENG_8_1_RELEASE is the version on the CD,  without
any security fixes.

> rebuilt world...
> there is a problem with a particular port:
> audio/libsndfile
> the version in this system ports tree is 1.0.21
> the set of versions available within the cvs repository are:
>  1.0.20, 1.0.23, 1.0.24 - but not 1.0.21
> 1.0.24 is latest

I updated my ports this morning and have 1.0.24. You probably just
updated the World (base-system) source code. I think the sample sup
files have separate files for world and ports . I think that's the best
way to do it although some people prefer to do them together.

Most people these days use portsnap for updating the ports tree.

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