On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 20:42+0200, Dick Hoogendijk wrote:

> I'm a little desperade. I installed a mirrored ZFS freebsd system in 
> a VM the other day and all went well. Now I did the same procedure 
> on a real systrem with two drives and I can't get the system to boot 
> properly. Everytime it halts at the mountroot prompt. If I manually 
> put zfs:zroot at the prompt the system boots to the login screen. I 
> checked the /etc/rc.conf and the /boot/loader.conf for syntax errors 
> but all seems well. What on earth can be the cause of this 
> behaviour? What do I check? Help?

Have you specified a bootfs?


  zpool set bootfs=zroot zroot

Trond Endrestøl                  | trond.endres...@fagskolen.gjovik.no
ACM, NAS, NUUG, SAGE, USENIX     |    FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE & Alpine 2.00
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