God love is hard to find. You got lucky freebsd-questions!
2011/07/06 10:01:21 -0500 Tim Daneliuk <tun...@tundraware.com> => To FreeBSD 
Mailing List :
TD> ===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on package: 
p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta>=1.44.01 - found
TD>     !  Parse::CPAN::Meta (1.40) is installed, but we need version >= 1.4401

if you use to updatedb(8) try to search for dupes:

        locate Parse/CPAN/Meta.pm

If there is no dupes, look at the $VERSION inside that module

73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB  12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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