On Wed, 29 Jun 2011, Brandon Gooch wrote:

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Dennis Glatting <free...@penx.com> wrote:
I am looking at OpenNMS under FreeBSD but it isn't in the ports tree
although there are various discussions of OpenNMS under FreeBSD.

Is there a reason why OpenNMS isn't in the ports tree, such as it doesn't
port, no one is willing to step up as a maintainer, or there are licensing

There is a port here, created by Sevan Janiyan:


I don't know whether or not it's been submitted to ports yet, but I'd
be interested to see if you get it up and running. Report back with
your findings!

Status report. I don't have it working yet but:

1) My NMS requires the use of a proxy to access the web. Configuring
   the proxy is an adventure which I didn't find well documented.

   The key proxy configuration point is in the Java installation but
   it appears not to be the only configuration point. Consequently,
   after humming along downloading and installing Java files the
   process hit another snag.

   I haven't had the chance to chase down which tool and which
   configuration point needs to change. This is a show stopper.

2) OpenNMS requires Postgres. I have a SQL infrastructure and I am
   loath to install yet-another SQL server regardless of its
   wonderfulness, but I have installed it.

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