I'm a late starter on this (been no need until now), but I'm now trying to get my laptop to run automounter/amd to work on a nfs config. I installed automounter from ports and got it working beautifully for removable devices, but nfs is eluding me.

I believe my problem lies more with amd- I've run amd commands standalone (automounter disabled of course) and I can only get local mounts showing with amq -ms.

Can anyone point me to some definitive information? Googling is giving me a headache with all the contradictory information out there. I would like to have say /net (or even /media- already setup for removables) populated with /net/host/export_mount. ATM I can sometimes get /net created, but its empty.

Also, if I get amd to work, does this mean that automounter will use it? Or is it exclusive? Just to confirm my information... :)

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