At 07:30 28/08/2011, Polytropon wrote:
Since I have installed my new system (FreeBSD/i386 8.2-STABLE),
I have found some kind of disk activity I've never had before
on my home system. As this PC is a very cheap product, it doesn't
have a HDD LED. Instead I have to listen to the disk.

This is the strange sound: four groups of short "brrrrt" sounds
within a second, with a short pause between them.

        #####-----#####-----#####-----#####----- = 1 s

This can be heared over several seconds, then silence. From
time to time, a "brrrt" sound appears for 3 seconds in one
long rush.

Your disk is thinking or trying to do something. In morse code -- is 'm' so -- -- -- -- is mmmmmmm. When you hear the 'h' (four dots) or 'ph' (.--.----) it's finishing thinking. A typical sesion will be:

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhh or mmmmmmmmppppphhhh.

Similar sounds are made by lot of people in the bathroom while poping, you may want to investigate perhaps beastie is poping there.


Couldn't resist ;D

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